Friday, April 16, 2010

Date Night by Shawn Levy

Pretty, pretty, pretty slick. That is the best way to describe 'Date Night'.

I enjoyed myself immensely and everyone in it pulls their weight. But it never had me laughing out loud.

That being said I think I could watch Steve Carrell in anything at the moment, even in his weaker films like Dan In Real Life and Get Smart he still allows you to watch him and to empathise with him. No mean feat especially on those films when there ain't too much else to like. And Tina Fey, is well Tina Fey. Feisty, reliable and always has the smartest line in the room. And Mark Wahlberg has a blast sending up his past life of a Calvin Klein model. I prefer Wahlberg in these comic roles his extreme sincerity just seems to make what he says funnier. If you doubt me he just about steals every scene he is in in I Heart Huckabee's.

Look out for a wonderful cameo by J. B. Smoove from Curb Your Enthusiasm as a cab driver in the wrong place at the wrong time. He is wonderful.

The film is a brisk 88 minutes and never strays from it's family oriented film. And while others have said they would prefer it to be harsher, I found that the strength of the film is the limitations it has in what it can say or show. The scene between James Franco and Steve Carrell in Franco's apartment is hilarious and its all because of what they should be saying but aren't. When most other comedies that are coming out are pushing out to 110 and 120 minutes it's a relief to find a comedy that knows the point and gets to it. Also it is a relief to see a comedy that is based on wit rather stupidity, gimmickry or shock grossness.

Shawn Levy who has been responsible for the Night At The Musuem franchise among other films, feels like he is just starting to hit his stride as director. Slick and to the point, I just hope he keeps trying these sorts of films out.

Thank you to all of those involved.

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